April 2nd

Started out the morning by racing trucks in the backyard in his pajamas.  I love how he had to stop for a while to dig in the dirt with a stick to look for bugs.  ALL boy.

 But then it was time for something new.  Meet Doctor Wyatt...I mean Spiderman....I mean Captiain Hook...whatever!!

Then he breaks out his superstar glasses...or his Power Rangers glasses as he likes to call them.

Spiderman even helps makes some muffins for lunch.  Who knew Spiderman was such a good cook!

A little swinging in the backyard while wearing his batting helmet that Granny B and Grandad gave him a long time ago.  It fits perfectly now!!

Time for a healthy snack!  Peanut butter and apples. Yum!

Playing Mario Kart in bed with daddy. 

MooMoo decided since I was on the floor taking pictures...it would be a good time for me to throw his black football. 

Now it was time to put the helmet to good use.  Time to play a little baseball in the front yard with daddy. 

 So thankful to live on this street where I can plop down in the middle of it and take pictures of my boys playing.  (Don't worry mom...I do watch out for the occasional passing truck.)


Thanks to the City fixing the leak today, we had a good bit of mud by the curb.  Of course he had to jump in it.  He quickly realized it was a little hard to get out of mud that deep.  He started yelling "Help! Help! I'm in quicksand!"

Yelling to the neighbor across the street....telling her how he hit a homerun. 

I look back on days like this and have to give thanks to God for all the simple blessings he has given me.  He has given me an active little boy with a big heart and a huge imagination who makes me laugh out loud.  He has given me a man who loves me despite my faults and even when I am walking around the house in a dirty shirt from yesterday, my Micky Mouse pajama pants, and mascara all over my face because I didn't take it off the night before.  I am so blessed that I have a husband that shows his love for his little boy by hugging and kissing him, playing with him, and making him a priority EVERY day.  When Matt and I got married, our first dance was to the song "Danny's Song"...you know....the one that says "And even though we ain't got money...I'm so in love with you honey...and everything will bring a chain of love.  And in the morning when I rise,  wipe a tear of joy from my eyes and tell me everything is gonna be alright."  I love how this has become our theme in life. We don't have a dime to our name...but we do have each other.  I am so thankful for the MANY blessings God has given me...knowing things could change in the blink of an eye.  I will continue to give thanks to Him and rely on Him daily to provide. 

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