March 5th

This morning was a morning I won't soon forget. Wyatt was snuggled up on the couch watching Sesame Street. This was not the norm...he usually prefers Wild Kratts, Backyardigans, or Spiderman (if he has earned it.) I crawled under the blanket with him. It felt so be snuggled up with my little man. He had his head on my chest as he sang along with the letter of the day song. That's when it hit me. I was taken back to one specific morning back in 2006 when I was at home sick (in our first apartment). I was lying in bed, flipping the channels, when I happened upon Sesame Street. I sat there watching Sesame Street as if I was 4 year old again. And then I began to cry. Up until then I had no desire to stay at home when we had kids. I had planned on teaching every year so I could retire early (since I had started early.) But in this moment I felt this sudden desire to stay home with our future kids (which we had not even begun to think about yet.) It dawned on me that I wanted to be able to stay at home while my kids were young and teach them the same things that I went to school daily to teach other kiddos. It seemed to come out of nowhere. But I believe it was no accident that I was sick that day and had to stay home from school. When Matt got home, I shared my new-found plans with him. He of course supported them, but neither of us had any idea on how that was going to work financially (and we still don't!) But here I am today..7 years home with my sweet, little boy, in Sonora, TX, watching Sesame Street. I am exactly where I am supposed to be. Looking back I can see God working in our lives to lead us to where we are today. Not just that particular morning, but in many, many other instances as well. Never in a million years would I have thought I would be living in this town, far from the rest of my family. But there is no doubt in my mind that this is where we are supposed to be. God has proven faithful for each desire he has given to us. He has closed doors and opened doors. He has provided in ways we could have never imagined. And I know he is teaching us things right now that will prepare us for the journey that is still to come. So yes... I cried this morning while watching Sesame Street (again.) But they were tears of joy. I am so incredibly thankful that He has lead me along this path. It has not always been easy...but it has definitely been worth it!
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