January 24th

I know Martin Luther King Jr. Day was Monday, but what can I say, I am always running behind.  This morning I did something with Wyatt that I loved doing with my kindergartners back when I was teaching.  I had the opportunity to teach Wyatt about MLK and what he stood for.  We talked about how it is better to use our words and actions through love to solve problems instead of fighting it out with hate.  We talked about how it doesn't matter what we look like on the outside...what matters is that we are all alike on the inside.  We all get sad when we aren't treated nicely.  We all like to smile when we are happy and we all cry when we are hurt.  We talked about how Jesus loves us ALL...not just those who look and talk like we do.  And that is what Martin Luther King's dream was all about...a world where we all recognize that and live accordingly.  Afterwards, we did a little experiment.  We got a brown egg and a white egg out of the refrigerator.   I asked him how they were the same and how they were different.  And as I suspected, he chose the obvious answer...their color.  I had him predict what they would look like when we cracked them open.  He said "this one will be brown and this one will be yellow".  But lo-and-behold, they were exactly alike when we cracked them open.  We couldn't even tell which one had been brown and which one had been white.  Just like us.  Amazing what a big life lesson we can learn from two eggs!!

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