Grampy came to visit for the weekend. Hiking on Eaton Hill, football in the front yard, sword fights, and some Super Mario Brothers on the Will. Thanks Grampy!
A daily reflection of the simple blessings in my life....through pictures. I am not much of a writer....but I can snap a photo!
January 24th
I know Martin Luther King Jr. Day was Monday, but what can I say, I am always running behind. This morning I did something with Wyatt that I loved doing with my kindergartners back when I was teaching. I had the opportunity to teach Wyatt about MLK and what he stood for. We talked about how it is better to use our words and actions through love to solve problems instead of fighting it out with hate. We talked about how it doesn't matter what we look like on the outside...what matters is that we are all alike on the inside. We all get sad when we aren't treated nicely. We all like to smile when we are happy and we all cry when we are hurt. We talked about how Jesus loves us ALL...not just those who look and talk like we do. And that is what Martin Luther King's dream was all about...a world where we all recognize that and live accordingly. Afterwards, we did a little experiment. We got a brown egg and a white egg out of the refrigerator. I asked him how they were the same and how they were different. And as I suspected, he chose the obvious answer...their color. I had him predict what they would look like when we cracked them open. He said "this one will be brown and this one will be yellow". But lo-and-behold, they were exactly alike when we cracked them open. We couldn't even tell which one had been brown and which one had been white. Just like us. Amazing what a big life lesson we can learn from two eggs!!
January 23rd
I came into Wyatt's room tonight to give him a goodnight kiss and tuck him and this is what I saw. I had to go grab my camera. Matthew and Wyatt singing his goodnight songs together. Made me smile ear to ear!
January 21st
My fancy kid in his John Deer hoodie and cowboy boots at Super S. Just using his new shopping cart that Santa brought him to do some grocery shopping with mom. I mean, how cool is my kid??!
January 17th
So when I started cooking dinner tonight, Wyatt got out his play food and starting rummaging through the kitchen drawers. I asked him, "Whacha doin' bud?" His reply, "Oh, I'm just gonna make some dinner too". Apparently he needed a whisk, two spatulas, a rolling pin, tongs, a skewer, a pot, a pan, and several spoons and forks to get the job done. After he cooked dinner, he took his drawing paper and proceeded to use them to "wrap" some gifts more my birthday (which is really not until October). He then "made" me a birthday cake, I blew out the candles, he and Dad sang "Happy Birthday" to me, and then I opened about 7 "gifts". Among some other things, I got a water floatie, a child's water shoe, and a double A battery for my fake birthday. Awesome.
January 16th
Bed head!! I am not a morning person, but I love waking up to this sweet sugar bear!!
He spent the morning doing a little painting...wearing his dad's shirt as a smock.
January 11th
Today was the Sutton County Stock Show...a big deal in Sonora! We spent pretty much the whole day there. And the reason we spent the whole day there...Wyatt took place in the VERY last event. He got to "show" Evan's pig in the peewee pig show. He was so very excited about it. He was the youngest one...and I must say...he did the best. (I might be a little bias).
This is what my unique son chose to wear to the show...a Spiderman shirt, blue vest, wind pants, Batman boots, and his cowboy hat....backwards. The child would not wear it forward...believe me... I tried.
We had a lot of friends that were involved in today's goat and pig shows. We are so proud of them!
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Wyatt waiting his turn to show |
Doesn't he look like he's been doing this for years? So proud of him!
Stock show
January 10th
I had to call in the reinforcements today. It was Wyatt's 4 year old checkup today...which meant 4 vaccines. I am EXTREMELY thankful Matthew was there with me. I felt so sorry for Wyatt...he was all smiles until he laid eyes on that needle. The entire office could hear his screams. Poor baby left with a band aid on each arm and each leg. Even ice cream from Dairy Queen couldn't make the hurt go away.
January 7th
We went to visit this sweet baby today!! Mom and I went to see Katarina (the beautiful lady who used to cut my hair before moving to Sonora) and her handsome baby boy. How cute is he!! Then we made a quick trip to Wyatt's favorite restaurant,the Rainforest Cafe, before going home.
January 5th
Granddad and Wyatt spent some time painting some foam airplanes today. Thanks Grampy for the airplanes!!
January 4th
The first picture of the new year. Wyatt and Peyton. Aunt Lisa and Peyton brought him an Iron Man hand and a black Power Ranger...because he desperately needed some new toys.
December 30th
Today we celebrated Christmas...again. This time it was with Aunt Lisa, Chrissy and Jeff, and Peyton and Hunter. We originally moved Christmas to today so Uncle Jeff could be with us (since he had heart surgery last week.) we missed Uncle Jimmy due to the flu and Pawpaw and Granny due to PawPaw still being in the hospital. Seriously hoping for a healthier holiday season next year!!
December 29th
Decorating cookies and opening even MORE gifts with Mark, Molly and Cole. Thanks Stephanie for having us over!
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