February 28th, 2014

Since Cassidy was still asleep this morning after Wyatt left for school, I decided to try to get some cleaning done in his room.  While I was cleaning Wyatt's room, I heard Cassidy's door open.  Ran into the room just in time to see Moonlight jumping up onto the crib waking Cassidy up.  So much for getting some cleaning done.  I guess he just couldn't wait any longer to see her!

February 27th, 2014

That smile!  Melts my heart!

February 23rd, 2014

Martha came for a visit this weekend! 

February 22nd, 2014

Just hangin' out on a blanket in the front yard today.  Actually, Cassidy was just hanging out...Wyatt was running around pretending to be a Ninja Turtle with Daddy.  I made him stop and love on his sister just long enough to get some sweet pictures...then the running around like a crazy boy continued. 


February 15th, 2014

Just playing with Bubba.

February 10th, 2014

Cassy J is two months old today...you know what that means...shots! She took it like a pro though.  Just a few tears. 





February 8th, 2014

It was a beautiful day for a bike ride with Grammy.

February 7th, 2014

Wyatt has been saving up his money and decided to use it today to buy a skateboard.  He practiced his skateboard while waiting for Grammy to come into town.

Grammy got to spend some quality time with Cass and Wy.  I couldn't help but take a picture of them when they fell asleep on the couch tonight watching "Up". 

February 6th, 2014

Before Cassidy was born, I had this plan to take a newborn picture of her in Wyatt's arms...along with several other great newborn picture ideas.  But, of course, life kicked in and before I knew it she was no longer in that "newborn" stage and all those pictures I had wanted to take while she was still tiny and slept 24/7 were never going to happen.  Oh well.  But I thought, MAYBE, just maybe, I could still get a good picture of her in her brothers arms.  So I stripped the blankets off my bed, threw a bow and some bloomers on her that didn't match (I was planning on taking it in black and white so colors wouldn't matter), and told Wyatt to come take a picture before he went outside to play with dad.  When I put her in his arms, I was shocked to see just how big she has actually grown!  I had to put her legs around Wyatt because she was too long for the idea I had.  Even though it wasn't the picture I had originally planned in my head, I love how it turned out!  And I wish I would have taken the time to put her in some matching clothes, because the color picture I took actually turned out cute too!


February 4th, 2014

Cassidy and I were up early in order to go to San Angelo after dropping Wyatt off at school.  Cassidy just couldn't get enough of her brother.  Love that smile!

January 31st, 2014

Old Granddad, Meme Doe,  Aunt Bee and Bruce came for a visit this morning.  It was the first time Cassidy was able to meet them.  After we ate lunch at the Mercantile and they headed back to Abilene, it was time to go home and get ready for the Sonora Mother/Son Dance.  The theme was "Hunter's Paradise".  It was the first dance I have ever been to wearing camo!  Wyatt and I had so much fun and I must say it was the best workout I have had in a long time.  I am sure I looked like a fool dancing like I was in high school again, but oh well.  Wyatt mostly ran around chasing his friends, but I did get to sneak in a couple of slow dances. 

January 30th, 2014

After my doctor's appointment in Angelo today, I treated myself to a pedicure.  I only did it because Cassidy told me I should.  She wanted to see what it was like.  I can't wait until she is old enough for us to have mother/daughter dates at the nail salon!  Oh wait, never mind.  I forget how quickly that will actually happen.  I CAN wait.  Please don't grow up too fast baby girl!!!

January 25th, 2014

Just a lazy Saturday at home.  Wyatt watched Avengers and then fell asleep on his daddy's lap.  I love days like this.