So today was the day...the day we pulled out all the Christmas stuff. The funny thing is I actually thought it was going to be quicker this year. Last year we left all the lights on the tree and just put the tree (still assembled) in the garage. The plan was that we could just take it out of the garage this year and all we would need to do is put on the ornaments. Brilliant, right? It was a perfect plan, that is until I plugged it in and half the lights didn't work. I then spent the next 30 minutes trying to find the end of the strand that didn't work. Turns out it was one clear strand and half of a red strand. No big deal, I will just take them off and go buy another clear and red strand. Well, after searching at every store in our small town, turns our there are NO red lights for sale in all of Sonora. So...instead of driving an hour to Walmart...we are just going with clear light this year. Ok. Situation over. But wait...I haven't checked the smaller tree in the kitchen yet.. Dad gummit! Yep. Same situation with the other Christmas tree. I know what you are thinking..."Why do you have a tree in the kitchen?" My answer... because I do. I have it. And therefore, it must be used. And it just can't go up without lights. So...that being was a long day of getting the "Christmas stuff" up. But I am so thankful to have the "stuff." I know "stuff" is not what makes up Christmas, but it just brings back such good memories of Christmas seasons past. I love the lights, the smells, the sounds, and even the things that don't look glamorous at all. Like the Santa tin under the tree that has dents ALL over it. But every time I look at it I remember Wyatt beating it with his toy drumsticks like it was a drum. My own little drummer rum pum pum pum.
A daily reflection of the simple blessings in my life....through pictures. I am not much of a writer....but I can snap a photo!
November 24th
Today was Old Granddad's birthday party. It was so good to see family I haven't seen in such a long time. And Wyatt got to practice blowing out candles several weeks early.
November 23rd
We left Arlington today and made our way to Clyde for Old Granddad's birthday party tomorrow. We got news this week that Sonora was actually playing a playoff game in Clyde tonight....AWESOME! Couldn't have been more perfect. The game (between Sonora and Post) was being played a street over from my Granddad's neighborhood. About 2 minutes away from where we were staying. So...needless to say.. we went to watch the Brocos beat Post! It was freezing cold...but well worth it!
But before making the trip to Clyde, Wyatt went across the street to help the neighbor put up his Christmas decorations. First things first.
November 22nd...Thanksgiving
What a great Thanksgiving! We were able to spend time with my family and Matt's dad's side of the family today. And Cindy came over to my parents house a little this Wyatt got to see all of this grandparents today!!
We spent the morning at my parents. Wyatt and I watched the parade on TV...and guess which "act" was preforming when we turned it on? Power Rangers!!! Guess who is a new fan of the Thanksgiving Day Parade?! He now wants to go to New York to see Spiderman AND the Power Rangers. When I told him we didn't have the money to go to New York right now...he asked if we could go if he saved up enough money. Watch out New York...the Killough family will be visiting in about 30 years!
After lunch, we headed down the road to Grampy's house. Spent the rest of the day playing football, (well..they played football while I took pictures), eating more turkey, and just hanging out. We love Sonora, but we so miss the "hanging out" with family. Good thing Christmas is coming up soon!
Wyatt thought it would be fun to go down the stairs on his belly tonight....
Daddy and Grampy thought it looked like fun too!
November 21st
It was a beautiful day to play a little baseball in the backyard with Granddad today. In his underwear. Of course.
November 17th
I know Wyatt tells made up stories ALL the if they were real. Just know that if he tells you a story about the peacock who lives at his Granny B's house...that story is 100 percent true. A couple of weeks ago my mom told me there was a peacock who decided to take up residence on her street in Arlington...and we got to meet him today. He is HUGE and quite beautiful. It was the first time I have ever seen a peacock living in "the wild." He was roaming around the front yard...and when we got too close..he flew up to the rooftop to chill for a while.
After spending quite some time observing the oddity of a peacock on the neighbor's roof, Wyatt spent some time with his neighbor friend...and then some time with the neighbor's cat Lulu. He has been in love with Lulu since before he could walk. In fact, Lulu was one of his first words.
November 9th
We received "The Lorax" in the mail I decided to let Matt go to the football game (2 hours away) while Wy and I stayed home to have a date night. We ate at the Steak House and then snuggled up and watched a movie on the couch. I thought he would be tired afterwards, but he was still wide awake. So we turned up the music and did some crazy dancing before bedtime. Good times!
November 7th
So I just thought my son was watching cartoons in the living room while I was paying bills in my room. Turns out he was going through the closet in the playroom and found some old face paint. I couldn't help but laugh when he walks into my bedroom and says with the most excited face, "Look mom! I'm ready to go to church!"
November 5th
After taking some pictures for some friends today at the courthouse, Wyatt got up on this ledge, posed, and yelled "Mom, take my picture!". This is him doing his best superhero pose.
October 31st ...Halloween
Today was Halloween on steroids. This morning was trick-or-treating with friends on Main Street, this afternoon we played games at the carnival, and of course trick-or-treating tonight! Wyatt got to be Zoro all day!
Ready for some Halloween fun Sonora style! While we were busy asking for candy house to house, the youth of the town were busy throwing toilet paper into trees!
And this is what we found when we arrived home. Wyatt kept yelling, "this is my tree!" while trying to pull off all the toilet paper.
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